Monday, December 31, 2007


Ok, I was challenged by my peers and I challenge you to blog about your resolutions and we'll revisit this next year - same time :)

hmmmm... my 2008 resolutions are:

1. education - take more classes to educate myself in business and life.
2. health - laugh everyday, workout more, listen to more music.
3. travel - expand out of my comfort zone and travel to new places I have not been to for business (or pleasure).
4. expansion - on business and social networks.
5. justice and truth - may honesty and truth rule 2008!!
6. challenge - push the boundaries to new levels.
7. organize and hire more people to help with my growing business. (inquire within)
8. educate my clients more about wedding photography - that you pay for what you get!
9. master guitar hero :)
10. love - love is all you need! Take a bit more time for myself - allow myself to love, and be in love, with more then my dog and my business!

peace and love!
All the best and make 2008 the best year EVER!!!!!