R.I.P. Johnny Don | 01.13.08

Today I found out my old roommate and very good friend John passed away. I don't know how or when, I just got a message on my phone. wow! death. I (knock on wood) have never had anyone in my life pass.... wow and boy - wow! it hits hard!
I have been so blessed with happy occasions, that I forget sometimes, it's not so fun.
I'm going to be out of the office for a little bit, still available on email, returning Feb 1, 2008

He was a great man, friend, with lots of love and laughs to give to everyone. I wish you would have met him. you'd have loved him!
he made me laugh like no other and was the most charming blok I had ever met. was love at first sight with anyone who met him.

Johnny Don, Donno, man - I love ya mate! Uru! and God Bless. xo
to you reading this, please give someone a hug today and tell them that you love them.