"What the heck are you doing in Panama?!"
When I was recently speaking to my August 5th bride, MaryEllen, about how to get her GORGEOUS wedding album out to her, I decided the best way was to fly it out and PERSONALLY deliver it to them! How fun is THAT!?
The timing couldn't be more perfect! 18 of us came from Vancouver, to Beachfest 2008. Matt and MaryEllen hosted us all both in Panama City and the beach for a glorious 10 days.
You are truly two of the kindest souls I have ever met in my life and I am proud and feel very, very blessed to call you friends. You are so selfless and so wonderful and this vacation truly changed my life. I have made many new friendships, made changes in my personal life that I owe a great thanks to you for and explored a new world that I probably would have never seen in my life without this adventure.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for hosting me and being so dear. I love you and you family!
ok, so now to some photos - My "boyfriend" Connor turned 1 year old on this holiday....

here are a few snaps from his beachhouse birthday celebration...

Feliz Cumpleanos (Happy Birthday) mi amo, Connor. xoxox